Monday, August 2, 2010


I've been really busy this past week or so. But, I finally have some down time while I'm getting my chemo to update everybody.

Got my PET scan results.. and NO MORE DISEASE! Great news! However, I still have to go through 2 more cycles of chemo and then radiation. It's not the cancer that makes me feel yucky, it's all the treatment and medicines I have to get. So, that's no fun.. but it helps knowing that the medicine is working!

I'm sitting in the clinic now waiting to start my chemo. They are going pretty slow today. I've been here for almost 3 hours and they haven't even started the medications yet. It's going to be a long day... Laura is here keeping me company though which is awesome :)

I'll update everybody in a couple days to let you know how this cycle is going. Let's hope for the best! Your prayers are working, so keep 'em coming!




  1. Tori--this is such great news about the PET scan. I know that the rest of your treatment is rough, but it is best to be safe in this situation. We are praying for your speedy recovery!!! I also can't wait to see you this weekend when we all get together in Florence.


    Uncle Jim

  2. Tori, I just found your blog through Seersucker and Sundresses's blog! I read through all of your posts and am SO HAPPY that you are doing better! I will be praying for you! I have my own blog, Preppy Perfection and I always try to blog about positive things, so come on over!! Have a great day! xoxo

  3. Tori - that's great news!! I'm still praying for you!!

    Bev :~)

  4. Lisa sent me! And I understand today is your birthday! Hope you'll post on that, but wanted to sneak in a Happy Birthday wish here. Hoping it's full of love and fun.
