Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Day of Chemo

Today was my first day of chemo, and overall it went well. 

My parents, JP, and I left around 6:30 to be there around 8:00. I first had to take a PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) which is just a test that measures my lungs and breathing. Immediately after that we headed to the clinic to start my chemo. We got there about 9:00. Dr. Laura came and talked to all 3 of us about the meds and side effects of each other and then about after an hour conversation, I finally started my chemo. Chemotherapy basically consists of me sitting in a room, and them just sticking me in my port and putting a lot of medicine in through an IV. I got 7 medicines today, all with names I can not remember, or really even spell/pronounce if I needed to. I was at the clinic from about 9-4:30. Very long day! But, I felt perfectly fine..

..until I got home. After I ate and everything, I got very, very, very nauseated..which is to be expected. But, I was still hoping I would be a lucky one :) It only lasted about 30 minutes.. then my dad got home with my medicine cabinet. I now have 5 different , 2 for nausea (Thank God!) to take, and one will be added on Friday. My dad is of course freaking out at the fact like I have to take any sort of pills, but unfortunately we're both going to have to get used to it.

Again, the day was better than expected, but I could have definitely done without the nausea. Actually, I would have loved to do without ALL of it.. but whatever it takes to get rid of this crap :) I go back tomorrow, and Thursday. Luckily those days won't last forever and I'll be out of there in just a couple hours.

Wig shopping soon! And I heard today how my hair is very likely to grow back curly.. awesome! 

Thanks again for everything and I will keep everybody updated. 




  1. Tori~

    I am Margie's daughter, Cathy. I know we've never met, but I just want you to know how much I admire your strength and positive attitude. We are keeping you in our prayers each day, and will continue to pray for God to bring you a sense of peace, each and every day.

    My 14 year old daughter, Abigail, always says, "If God brings you TO it, He'll bring you THROUGH it." Always remember He WILL bring you through it...and your friends and family will be beside you every step of the way.

    Sending LOTS of LOVE and God's blessings from New York! :)

  2. Hi Tori--I am so glad to see that you are doing this blog. We really appreciate the regular updates!

    I admire you for the approach that you are taking. I hope that you know that we are all keeping you in our prayers and sending all of the love and good vibes we can muster your way.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you in early August when Aunt Judy and I visit.


    Uncle Jim

  3. Tori,

    Thanks for sending me the link to your blog. I am glad that your first day was better than expected. You are a very courageous young lady and I love your positive attitude.

    Stay strong and remember that we all love you and you will be in our prayers daily.

    I look forward to sharing those happy tears with you at the end when you win this battle.

    I love you girl.

    Uncle Jeff

  4. I am so proud!!!! You are my hero
